A primer in CDM Programme of Activities

This carbon finance capacity building tool was developed through the cooperation of A2G Climate Partners, the UNEP Risoe Center of Denmark, the Ministry of Environment of Peru – MINAM and EEA Fund Management Ltd from the United Kingdom.

Programmatic Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was formally introduced during the COP/MOP11 to enable a programmatic approach to carbon finance. Programmatic CDM represents a natural evolution of standard CDM and emerges as a potential interface to migrate or complement CDM with emerging modalities such as NAMAs.

This publication came in the framework of the UNEP Risoe Center capacity building efforts and shows the key aspects for the development of mitigation initiatives under Programmatic CDM. It shows the experiences of Programmatic CDM proposals developed in countries such as Mexico, Senegal, Bangladesh and Uganda.

Link to download the guide click here.